
The Growth of RTP and the Potential of Request for Payment

Posted on 12 Apr 2022

Since its launch over four years ago, The Clearing House’s RTP® network has been changing the landscape of faster payments here in the U.S. More banks and credit unions join the network on a weekly basis, with new applications and use cases launching and driving increasing transaction volume. The Request for Payment (RfP) capability is enabling a range of new use cases and opportunities for financial institutions to provide expanding services to their customers.

In an American Banker hosted webinar, speakers from The Clearing House, and Alacriti, discussed the new application possibilities, how your institution can take advantage of it, and more:

  • The growth of RTP
  • The value of RfP to consumers, billers, and financial institutions
  • What financial institutions need to do to ready themselves for the origination of an RfP
  • What to expect when moving to receive only to origination with support of RfP
  • The potential implications of the launch of RfP across the participants across the RTP network