
RTP vs. FedNow: Is There a Wrong Choice?

Posted on 01 Apr 2022


Credit unions have had to make the difficult decision of offering the benefits of real-time payments right away with either the TCH RTP® network—or waiting for the FedNowSM Service. With the FedNow Service on track to go live in 2023, much of the wait is over. So which one is better? Or should credit unions embrace both networks?

In this NACUSO hosted webinar, Erika Baumann, Sr. Analyst for Aite-Novarica, and Al Griffin, Product Manager at Alacriti, discuss how the FedNow Service and the RTP network should fit into your payments strategy, focusing on:

  • Which path credit unions should take, the FedNow Service or RTP
  • What real-time payments mean for member satisfaction
  • What processes need to change for those going beyond receive-only
  • How the payments rail you choose affects your members
  • Use cases for RfP and what it does for your small businesses
  • What it takes to connect to the RTP network or the FedNow Service